Monday, June 24, 2013

The Newsroom -- It's not Mary Tyler Moore anymore.

When baby boomers think of newsrooms, they think of Mary Tyler Moore.  Today's visit to the New Republic showed us that although we've come a long way from the typewritten copy, the newsroom still has loads characters.

The seventh floor houses the features and sports content.  You could tell from the moment you stepped on the floor, these folks were fun.  Hawaiian leis, beach balls and sports memorabilia decorated various cubicles.  Once a week the features and sports staff hold a theme day.  

The eighth floor houses regional news.  This floor is all about journalism.  Signs are posted with inspirational work related slogans.  The busy time of the day after five, as all the print publications are morning issues.

Breaking news resides on the ninth floor.  The south side of the floor houses KPNX-12, the local NBC affiliate, while the north side of the floor houses The New Republic.  The breaking news desk is strategically situated between the two.

Our last stop on our tour was the 10th floor conference room.  We sat in on the 11a.m. budget meeting.  No, the meeting wasn't about finances.  It was a staff meeting where each content area and platform presented its story ideas and coverage needs for the day.  The meeting was a great example for us on  how to run a staff meeting with our own publication staffs.

Thank you to the Republic Media for letting us visit and including us in your day.  It was an educational and enjoyable experience.

Karen L. Swortzel
Alleghany High School
Covington, Va.


  1. Your pictures really capture the adventure of touring a newsroom. I really enjoyed looking at all of the posters and fun memorabilia. It gave me a few ideas for classroom decor. I agree that the "budget" meeting was very beneficial to attend and allow us to see what our staff should be doing at the beginning of every issue.

    Katie Kroeze
    Lincoln High School
    Sioux Falls S.D.

  2. Love the picture at the table with the reflection. It was interesting to see how much the atmosphere of a live newsroom has changed since the MTM sitcom and the world of All the President's Men. The budget meeting did show that the essence of the newsroom hasn't changed: find the best stories for the paper's/platform's audience.
    Julie Fales
    SM South
    Overland Park, Kan.

  3. Great photos, Karen! Feels like I'm there all over again :)

    Bailey Elise McBride
    Bishop Kelley High School
    Tulsa, Okla.
