Monday, June 24, 2013

AP Stylebook

The AP Stylebook is information overload in a spiral-bound format. I think we all can take this presentation and show it to our classes without any edits, other than changing the page numbers for our alert Sarah-Anne-type students. I would even include the music for the group work to add to the mood and stress the importance of looking things up in the "Journalism Bible" when in doubt. Consistency is key.

I did not know about the online option and plan to look into a site license for the book. I am constantly amazed with the limited spelling and grammar my students have been exposed to, and I feel they would use the resource more if it was on a computer - right at their fingertips - and not a hard copy they would need to go fetch.

This past semester, I made it a point to go over three AP references every day with each of my three classes. They wrote them in their journals, and we discussed them in detail, but I did not test for retention. I will add that to my fall lesson plans. I know this will help my students with their writing skills. We have brilliant photographers and fabulous designers, but we lack talent in our writing style.

Plus, the tips Steve gave us throughout the presentation were a hoot - loon ball as they may seem or sound. Three favorites from this session to carry with me forever are, "I don't exist where you're going" when a student asks you what to do or how something is spelled, "Some things are career-limiting mistakes" and "Newspapers are cutting on the desk" so learn all you can to become the best you can be.

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