Monday, June 24, 2013

Associated Press Stylebook-I need some work!

It became very apparent that after a few minutes into the style guide that I need to refine my skills in AP style myself before I go back and refine the skills of my staff. I've always heard from veteran advisers that AP style takes time to learn, time to teach, and is ALWAYS changing. Just when you think you know how to do something, it changes. It's our job as the instructor to adjust and learn with the changing of the guide. This can be frustrating at times!

AP style to me is important to build that consistency through your publication. To really take your publication to the next level and be considered a more professional publication, you must make AP style an important part of your teaching. Most importantly, if you have student journalists who are interested in pursuing journalism at that next level, it's crucial they are current and seasoned in the ways of AP style. They will be expected to know to be very proficient at the collegiate level if they pursue journalism.

One way I teach AP style is picking two elements of style (addresses and numbers) and covering those in mini warmup lessons for 2-3 class periods. I try to fit in two new elements of AP style every 1-2 weeks. This way we are not beating our kids over the head with AP style for a 90 minute block. Instead, we are breaking it into chunks. It's also important to revisit the concepts throughout the semester so your students don't forget! It may be beneficial to have a cumulative quiz at the end of the semester as well that incorporates the concepts you've covered.

Here's an interesting nine minute video that covers some AP style concepts.

Spencer O'Daniel
Wichita High School West
Wichita, KS.

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