Thursday, June 20, 2013

Moving pictures? Who woulda' thought?

     Working on a video production produced more angst in me than any other aspect of this seminar. I tried video editing at a weekend class perhaps four years ago and vowed I'd never go near an editing program again. I'm glad I've broken that vow.
     It was fun to roam around the campus this afternoon with Eva, Jessica and Laurie. Because Eva is a master teacher, we three others learned so much from her -- from spotting a good subject to formulating questions to choosing shots to holding the camera correctly. I know there will be frustrations as I muddle through on my own later, but I'm far more game to try than I was even yesterday. I plan to get cameras into the hands of my journalism students -- all of them -- early in the year and let them practice, practice, practice. My staff, especially my online editor, will be elated at the change in my enthusiasm for video. I can hardly wait for school to start!
Elizabeth Granger
Lawrence Central High School
Indianapolis, Ind.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,

    I'm so happy for your change in mindset when it comes to video. It was so much fun running around the city with you guys!

    Eva D. Coleman
    Frisco ISD Career and Technical Education Center
    Frisco, Texas
