Friday, June 21, 2013

Characters in the Park

As our multi-media group spent time in the park across the street from the journalism building, we encountered some seriously colorful people.

This is Barney. He claims to have been born in Israel to have volunteered tens of thousands of hours getting homeless off the streets. Meghann interviewed Barney with grace, endearing Barney to open up about his story (so much so that he followed us as we continued interviewing people for our story).

And this is Chicago. Meghann and Rudy actually ran down N. Central Ave to catch up with him, reminding me of a scene from Up Close and Personal with Meghann playing Michelle Pfeiffer's role. I'll save his story for our project, but I can say that when I texted my editor-in-chief with his photo she couldn't get over that he made his hat. She's currently enrolled at ASU's Tempe campus, and I'm hoping to sway her to transfer to the downtown campus to take advantage of all that Cronkite has to offer. Looking forward to showing her all of your videos in hopes she'll reconsider the lure of college-life at Tempe.

Adrienne Forgette
Northern HS
Owings, MD


  1. We had a blast on our video assignment, and like you, we ran into some folks with colorful backgrounds. A rambling philosopher walking from San Diego to Washington D.C., the self-described "homeless Republican," who's an ex-con out since last November.

    Not at all what we anticipated or planned for, but we went with it, and have some great coverage because of it. Amazing!


  2. These photos are great! I'm excited to see your final product.

    Bailey Elise McBride
    Bishop Kelley High School
    Tulsa, Okla.

  3. I agree with Bailey. Those are excellent photos, Adrienne! This is a perfect example of the effectiveness of quality photojournalism. The photos alone intrigued me enough to cause me to stop scrolling and read your post. The topic is really interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out!

    Aaron Fitzpatrick
    Freedom Area High School
    Freedom, Pa

  4. The pictures really drew me to read your post - a reminder of how powerful a good image really is. I appreciate that you shared photos that are outside of the school building, providing some much needed variety to our standard blog photos of our guest speakers. This little sneak peak makes me eager for your video product too!

    Finally, just curious: did you use an Instagram filter?

    Jessica Nassau
    Rockville High School
    Rockville, Md.

  5. Meghann totally gets credit for these photos! (Sorry I didn't put the photo credit in the initial post, Meghann!). She did use an Instagram filter, yes, Jessica.

  6. This was an awesome day. I really felt like a journalist! I have never had to "chase down" a story like that, and it was exhilarating. Thanks for the compliments. We had a good team. And we had awesome characters (even the two girls we interviewed). It'll be fun to put this all together.

    Meghann Peterson
    Chanhassen High School
    Chanhassen, Minn.
