Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Teamwork + how to use Final Cut

Out of all of our assignments, the one that I was probably looking forward to the least was the broadcast project.  Like everyone, I generally shy away from tasks that make me feel uncomfortable or self-conscious, so it was overwhelming and intimidating to find myself "group leader" for a project about which I was so unknowledgeable.

However, I really enjoyed myself and had fun during our broadcast project.  It is always a little bit stressful to work with a team, since in a group of three people, there will be plenty of disagreement. In spite of the stressful moments, though, we worked well together and put together a product that we are all proud to claim.  I'm excited to take this back to my students to show them how a "good" video works, not because I think it's the best video ever made, but because I think it's a great example of how you don't have to be a pro to make a good video; you just need to be aware of the little details that my students often forget (like making transitional moments professional or keeping the audio levels even).

Jennifer McClellan works at her computer at the Arizona Republic.  McClellan was one of five journalists that we interviewed for our broadcast project about student internships.

1 comment:

  1. I never throughout about it being a way to show students that you don't have to be a pro to make a good video. I agree, this was the assignment that I had absolutely no experience with. Our group leader did a good job in showing up how to use the equipment. I am happy that you are satisfied with your video!

    Katie Kroeze
    Lincoln High School
    Sioux Falls S.D.
