Friday, June 28, 2013

Gregory Favre: The Soul of Journalism

Confession: I am currently obsessed with Gregory Favre.

The talk that he gave to us this morning seriously moved me in the most positive of ways. Although I am still tearing up about it, I feel one hundred feet tall after hearing this man speak.

He mentioned several articles that he admired, and since I admire him so greatly, here is my reading list for the rest of the summer:

1. Eli Wiesel's article in Parade in which he discusses the need to "acknowledge the possibility of dialogue" in surviving catastrophes.

2. Elements of Journalism

3.  All the Kings Men

4. Anything I can find by Dianne Suggs

Many thanks to Mr. Favre for his humility, his kindness and his wealth of humanity. I am inspired.

Melissa Langlois
Whitewater High School
Fayetteville, Ga.

1 comment:

  1. It definitely was inspiring. The way he let us know that we matter and are truly appreciated was nice to here. We don't hear it enough. He's a professional story teller, and I enjoyed the stories he shared. Take care Georgia! :)
