Friday, June 21, 2013

Alan Weintraut is a god

I went to the beginner's session on InDesign this afternoon because I really hadn't used the program before. In the past, I'd opened the program and looked at the blank page with fear.  I have managed to place and open a text box, but my knowledge of the program was minimal at best.

Alan Weintraut teaches beginning InDesign to journalism teachers.
Today, Alan took us through the process of creating a document that included photo, pulled quote, different fonts and sizes, and placing dummy copy.  When he revealed the magic of auto indent and then followed up with how to do a drop cap with the touch of a button, I just about died. He had definitely been elevated to god status in my mind.  Technology manna fell in the form of grouping, saving a group as an object, and using a master template.
Our project in process.

I've worried about trying move to InDesign from our yearbook company program.  I didn't think my kids could handle it.  I didn't think I could handle it.  What I learned today was life changing.  Knowing my kids can use the online program, I believe InDesign will be an easy transition.  Now, to find the bucks needed for purchasing the program for the YB computers.

Karen L. Swortzel
Alleghany High School
Covington, Va.


  1. This post makes me happy, because my Intro students go through the same process every single year. The program is so overwhelming and intimidating to newbies that I think people are often afraid to try (heck, half of the time I'm afraid to try something I don't know in that program, too!). I love hearing that people are learning and gaining confidence with the Creative Suite programs!

    Julieanne McClain
    Rutherford B. Hayes High School
    Delaware, Ohio

  2. What is most wonderful about the daily sessions is I always come away with something I did not know, even if I have practiced the process or worked with the subject matter before. Every unit we have covered so far has given me information to include in my lesson plans or empowered me with knowledge to back up our mission to ensure the freedom of speech in our publications. Every new thing brings me to the realization - once again – that there is more that we do not know than we do know. It is rewarding and humbling at the same time and makes me aware of the compassion component we sometimes lose in our instruction methods due to frustrations, lack of motivation and a deadline schedule. My goal is to critique my own objectives and revise my agenda to manage the entire process – from concept to finish – to include more collaborative work (and responsibilities), more celebrations of success and a quality product while maintaining and sustaining my staff’s individual aspirations. I feel I a successful fall in the making…

    Maureen Barton
    Sedona Red Rock High School
    Sedona, Ariz.

  3. Karen -- You are so doing the right thing moving your students to InDesign. So many yearbook programs use their publisher's online publishing program because it's easy. Learning InDesign will allow your students to step into any newsroom or college program with confidence. You're teaching them a language. I tell my Intro to Journalism students that it's okay to cry the first time you're using InDesign. I still remember wanting the throw the computer across the room during the early stages of realizing the differences between the direct selection tool and the text box tool. Not exactly intuitive. Some programs make their students learn all the InDesign shortcuts and give them a test early on to make them memorize them.

    Adrienne Forgette
    Northern HS
    Owings, MD

  4. Thank you for your praise, Karen. Do you prefer red or white when I toast YOU? :)
